3-MPCD Rapid test kit FAQs

Does 2-MPCD content cause overestimation of 3-MPCD contamination?

No it doesn't.

Do you supply trial kits for 3-MCPD or total GE measurements?

Yes, we will supply a limited number of tests for the customer to construct their own calibration curve, if required.

Does the test kit contain any toxic material? Where the used reagents can be disposed?

The reagents can be disposed in the general chemical waste or along with other organic solvent waste according to existing regulations. Please refer to the MSDS for more information.

What type of laboratory equipment or facilities are needed to use the 3-MCPD kit?

Vortex, Oven/ water bath at 50 °C, Boiling water bath/kettle, Centrifuge (15 & 50 ml tubes | 4000 rpm), Spectrophotometer/ colorimeter (min 0.001 resolution)

What is the wavelength of the used UV light?

We don’t use UV light. We use 546 nm absorbance.

Are the GE and 3-MPCD samples prepared together?


Is GE and 3-MPCD measured at the same time?

Yes. 2 separate assays are run simultaneously, one each for 3-MCPD and GE.

The 30% accuracy is valid in what measurement range?

0.5-50 ppm.